A Bobinable Snowman (Elliott-D., 2022)
height 40 inches (102 cm), bloom 7.5 inches (19 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 24 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Near white with an extended green throat.. (Isabelle Rose × Ghost Ranger)
A HARD DAY'S STARRY NIGHT - MUSSAR 2018, 28" tall, 6" bloom, 14 buds, 3 way branching. Tet. SEV, Midseason bloomer. (Speckles x Drop Cloth). I have long liked the strong patterning and colour contrast this cultivar has to offer. The streaked pattern reminded me of a galaxy or constellation and led to the name. Pod and pollen fertile.
A Legacy from the Heart (Joiner, 2008)
height 34in (86cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 21 buds, 3 branches, Double 90%, Medium rose self above lime green throat. (sdlg × sdlg)
A Little Twisted (Elliott-S., 2015)
height 38 inches (96 cm), bloom 7 inches (18 cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 18 buds, 4 branches, Spider Ratio 5.20:1, Unusual Form Crispate-Cascade, Bright yellow green with dark red chevron shaped band and yellow midribs on the petals, above an extended green throat. (sdlg × sdlg)
Awards: HM 2019
A Woman of Color (Davisson-J., 2021)
height 35 inches (89 cm), bloom 9 inches (22 cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Bright rose with a lighter rose watermark and a wide yellow throat. ((White Eyes Pink Dragon x Curt's Gift) × Judy's World)
A World Away (Shooter-E., 2015)
height 32 inches (81 cm), bloom 7.5 inches (19 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Huge lilac-blue with heavy substance, has an intricate kaleidoscope pattern, very fertile. (Blue Venom × Hand of Faith)
Aardvark in the Window (Clement, 2010)
height 44 inches (112 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season M, Dormant, Diploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Yellow bronze blend, green throat. (Cap and Bell × Happy Hopi)
Abby Davisson (Davisson-J., 2011)
height 30in (76cm), bloom 7in (18.0cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 5 branches, Dark purple with a light gray watermark, wide yellow throat, and fine white edge. ((Reforma Boulevard × Julie Newmar) × Still the One)
ABSOLUTELY STELLAR (Pierce G. – 2019) 6072-B (Waves of Joy x Bowtie Affair) x Pharaoh’s Arrows SEV EM re, 32” tall, 7-7.5” flower, 5 way branching, 30 buds, heavy prolifs , consistent pattern.
Fertile both ways.
Addicted to Love (Davisson-J., 2012)
height 34 in.(86 cm), bloom 8 in.(20 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 23 buds, 4 branches, Rose violet with a large diamond dusted pink watermark and a cream to green throat. (Dancing on Daddy's Feet × No Boys Allowed)
Adventures, Love and Shenanigans (Howard-R., 2021)
height 38 inches (96 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Red with a very jagged gold edge, paler midribs, and green throat.. (Bass Gibson × Bee's Jonick)
AFTER DUNE DELIGHT (Davisson-J 2021)
A favorite season extender because it blooms very early. AFTER DUNE DELIGHT is an unusually colored muted rose with a distinctive peach watermark and a diamond-dusted chartreuse throat. Blooms measure 7 1/2" and have no trouble opening on cool mornings doling out perfect blooms over a long bloom season. Scapes are 29" with 4-way branching that average 24 buds. From a cross of DOCTOR HANDSOME X THE FOOD CHANNEL, AFTER DUNE DELIGHT is fertile both ways and has hardy evergreen plant habit. Tetraploid.
AFTER THE RIOT (Davisson-J 2015)
is a 4" gold diamond-dusted sculpted cristate with a serrated gold edge. It's still hard to find tetraploid cristates! It starts blooming mid-season and consistently blooms cristate tissue in the throat. Blooms up to 3 sets of scapes with each set producing increasingly complex cristate tissue over a long bloom season. Scapes are 24" with 3 way branching, 15 buds. Easily fertile both ways and a must if you are working on cristate forms. It's an evergreen from two hardy evergreen parents, LITTLE BIG EARS X SIGOURNEY.
ALICE IN LA LA LAND (Seifert, 2018)
height 46 in.(116 cm), bloom 8 in.(20 cm), season EM, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 16 buds, 2 branches, Unusual Form Spatulate, Rose red with darker red chevron eye and wide green throat.. (Kaleidoscopic Intrigue × Rose F. Kennedy)
Very pretty with somewhat twisty petals, so it has been hard to get a good picture. I don't remember fertility, but think it was somewhat reluctant to set pods.
Named for my friend Alice, who chose this whimsical name herself.
ALIEN ARTIFACT (Selman) 2019
38" EM DOR 5.5" TET
Coral raspberry blend with raspberry rose eye and matching picotee edged with tiny gold teeth over patterned, yellow appliquéd throat with green heart. Three to four-way branching with 18 buds. Very hardy and fertile both ways.
ALIEN CONCEPT (Selman) 2014
42" M SEV 6" TET
Ruffled lavender mauve with partial blue-lavender and magenta picotee, darker veins and blue-lavender watermark eye outlined magenta. ALIEN CONCEPT has a distinctive, patterned yellow applique throat with green heart. It has tall scapes with three to four-way branching and 18 to 20 buds. Outstanding when grown in a clump. Very hardy and fertile both ways.
ALIEN DNA (Selman) 2009
40" M Re DOR 6" TET
A rich lavender raspberry bi-tone with yellow applique throat and green heart. The petals have darker veins and ruffled edges. ALIEN DNA has tall, sturdy scapes with three to four-way branching and 26 buds. Very hardy with dependable rebloom. ALIEN DNA is an excellent parent and fertile both ways.
30" M SEV 5" TET
Flesh pink reverse bitone with darker pink eye over pink-speckled, yellow to green applique throat. It has a partial pink and wire gold picotee. Very hardy and fertile both ways with four-way branching and 18 or more buds. A great parent for both interesting and "speckled" appliques. This one will be leaving its "fingerprint" on future generations of ALIEN seedlings and introductions.
Alien Invasion (Korth-P.-Korth-L., 2017)
height 31 in.(78 cm), bloom 5.75 in.(14 cm), season EM, Dormant, Diploid, 25 buds, 5 branches, Burgundy with purple eye and large green throat, purple veins run into the eye.. (Search for Green Pastures × Cosmic Kaleidescope)
ALIEN ON THE RUN (Selman) 2018
36" EM DOR 7" TET
Pearly purple, rose-lavender, mulberry blend with darker veining and lighter sawtooth picotee edge over yellow to green appliqued throat. ALIEN ON THE RUN has sturdy scapes with three to four-way branching and 15 to 18 buds. Very hardy, fertile both ways and outstanding in a clump.
ALIEN SONG (Selman) 2015
35" EM Fra SEV 6" TET
Lavender bitone with a gold sawtooth picotee edge and an extremely concave, pleated yellow to green applique throat. ALIEN SONG has sturdy scapes with four-way branching and 18 to 20 buds. Very hardy, fertile both ways and a real show-off when grown in a clump. For those who remember seeing this beauty at the 2014 AHS National Convention in Asheville before it was registered, the garden nickname was "Big Mouth".
Alien Starshine (Selman, 2021)
height 37 inches (94 cm), bloom 6.25 inches (15 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 4 branches, Lavender with ruffled sawtooth edge over huge, diamond dusted, yellow applique throat with small green heart.. ((Alien DNA x Alien Song) × (Lavender Aura x Alien DNA)
All Branched Out (Eller-N., 2007)
height 34in (86cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 5 branches, Double 90%, Red with prominent veining and cream edge above yellow green throat. (Night Embers X sdlg)
ALL EYES ON ME (Dye-K., 2012)
height 38 inches (96 cm), bloom 9 inches (23 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 16 buds, 3 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Lavender pink with a huge watermark and a green throat, with wide open spaced branching. (Judy Farquhar × Linda Beck)
All of My Love to You (Rice-JA, 2008)
height 26in (66cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Dark burgundy with gold edge above green throat. (unknown X unknown)
ALL OUR TOMORROWS - Seifert 2022, tet, Mre, 32", 6.5", 4 br, 28 bc, Sev.
(All Things to All Men x City of Refuge) Description: Lavender violet with wide periwinkle eyezone, vivid green throat, double edge of deep violet and periwinkle, and small, light yellow hooked teeth. This one has it all: plant habit, height, branching, rebloom and a beautiful bloom.
Very fertile both ways and producing nice seedlings.
All Quacked Up (Selman, 2016)
height 36 inches (91 cm), bloom 5 inches (13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Golden yellow with large red eye and matching picotee over yellow to green throat. ((Foolish Dragon × Last Fool Standing) × (Fiesta Latina × Foolish Dragon))
ALL THAT SASS - Seifert 2015, dip, 26", 7", sev, MLre, 100% double. 2 branches, 12 buds. (Pink Peppermint X Sweeping Shadows)Orange throat radiating outward with frilled peach petals and pink tipped segments.When looking for a name, I thought this looked like ruffles with attitude! Fertility unknown because I don't think I have tried to use it. It is a reliable rebloomer here and always double.
All Things to All Men (Emmerich, 2012)
Height 28in (71cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 33 buds, 5 branches, Dark pink lavender with etched gray lavender eye, gray lavender plus ivory plus yellow edge, yellow to green throat. (Repeat the Sounding Joy X (sdlg X Fountain of Life))
Along Came Amanda (Herrington-T., 2012)
height 26 in.(66 cm), bloom 4.25 in.(11 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 25 buds, 5 branches, Lavender with purple eye above a large green throat which extends on the sepals and petals. (sdlg × Pea Green with Envy)
Alpha and Omega (Emmerich, 2012)
height 28in (71cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 4 branches, Dark pink lavender with a purple eye and lavender feathers, triple edge of grape, lavender and ivory, green throat. (Inscribed on My Heart × (Storm Shelter × Jane Trimmer))
SEIFERT 2014- TET, 35", 5.5", SEV, EMre. (LORD OF RICHES X BOHEMIA AFTER DARK) caramel chocolate with chocolate mauve edge, eye and sepals.
I have no idea where this daylily got its striking coloring, but it is most attractive. Named for my our daughter's chocolate shop located in Yorkville, IL.
Angel Love (Trimmer, 2013)
height 27 in.(69 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 17 buds, 1 branches, Lavender blend with blue and violet patterned eye. (Dragonfly Dawn × Waves of Joy)
Angel Tracker (DeCaire, 2018)
height 31 in.(78 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(16 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Large purple patterned eye on ivory base, with small green throat.. (sdlg × Four Beasts in One)
ANGELIC VOICE - (Simpson-E. 2017)
(Texas Blue Eyes x In Stitches)
27″ M Sev 6″ Fra TET Re
The exquisite blooms of Angelic Voice are rose-lavender with a large, etched milky lavender eye and a ruffled triple edge of purple, milky lavender and gold over a yellow to green throat. The scapes have three-four way branching and 16-22 buds with reliable rebloom. A wonderful parent with many exciting kids under evaluation. Extremely fertile both ways.
Tet. 32” EM Dormant 6” 16 Buds 3-4 Branches Fragrant
The lovely rose-lavender blooms of ANGELS IN WISCONSIN have a glowing lavender-blue eye etched magenta and a double edge of magenta and lavender-blue over a gold to green throat.
This plant is tall, vigorous and fertile both ways.
Angels Sing Softly (Simpson-E., 2021)
height 26 inches (66 cm), bloom 5.5 inches (13 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 3 branches, White cream with glowing lilac blue eye etched purple and matching ruffled edge of purple and lilac blue over yellow to green throat.. (Angel on a Cloud × Angelic Voice)
Annapolis Valley Mountains (Banks, 2014)
height 38 inches (96 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 13 buds, 4 branches, Sculpted Pleated, Dark red, throat green to bright golden yellow starburst into midribs, raised pleated golden ridges on sides of midribs extends out length of petals changing to red, sculpting flares out, ruffled petals and some on sepals, narrow gold wire edge on sepals. (Ruby Spider × Purple Badger)
height 28", bloom 5", season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Cream dusted edged rose lavender and rose lavender edged cream reverse bitone with bright lemon eyezone and light green throat.
(((Yellow Petticoats X Louise Mercer) X Rhett Butler) X (Loving Lion X (Kara Kennon X sdlg)))
Another One Bites the Dust (Mussar, 2020)
height 34 inches (86 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Rose pink with a pale watermark and diamond dusting above a green throat with a gold toothy edge.. ((Rose Electra x Heavenly Pastel) × Thistles and Thorns)
Anything for Love (Michaels, 2013)
height 39in (99cm), bloom 7.5in (19.0cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Warm deep pink with cool pink eye and cream midribs over yellow to green throat. (Swallow Tail Kite × Maquis Condor)
Arabian Veil (Salter, 2009)
height 29 in.(74 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Medium lavender purple with a pale white watermark and a large yellow green throat, petal edges carry a large creamy, ruffled white edge.
height 28in (71cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, 19 buds, 3 branches, Maroon petals, lavender and charcoal band, green throat. ((Artificial Intelligence X Malachite Prism) X (Artificial Intelligence X Malachite Prism))
ART GALLERY BLUES (Ludlow Lambertson 2012)
TET 6" Sev E Re 36"
(Seedling X Seedling)
ART GALLERY BLUES is a tall, stately bloom of royal purple on petals & sepals, a stunning radiating grey-blue eye & edge and green throat. 4-way branching, 30 buds. Easily fertile both ways.
Artillery Fire (Waldrop, 2015)
height 44 in.(112 cm), bloom 12 in.(30 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 23 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Bold burgundy with a large and distinctive green eye that extends into the petals and sepals, twisted crispate form on the petals and sepals enhance the appearance. (Wild and Free × Walt Lowry)
Asheville Skyline (Selman, 2012)
height 28 in.(71 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(17 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Lavender pink with a violet, lavender blue and gold wire triple picotee edge, lighter sepals, and lavender blue watermark eye outlined with violet over a yellow to green throat. (Destined to See × Julie Newmar)
Asheville Sopranos (Selman, 2022)
height 35 inches (89 cm), bloom 5.5 inches (13 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 15 buds, 3 branches, Pink with lighter watermark and ruffled yellow gold edge over large yellow to green throat.(Alva Reese × (Elizabeth Hewitt x Falling for Pink))
Asheville Summer Jewel (Selman, 2014)
height 38 in.(97 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 24 buds, 4 branches, Ruffled coral pink with lighter midribs and wire gold edge over yellow to olive green throat. ((Splendid Touch × sdlg) × Shores of Time)
This is a great plant - a real eye catcher in bloom.
Asheville Sunlit Rainbow (Selman, 2014)
height 30 inches (76 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (17 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 22 buds, 4 branches, Cream yellow with charcoal, lavender blue and magenta watermark eye, matching picotee edge of magenta, lavender blue and cream yellow over yellow to green throat. (Destined to See × Julie Newmar)
Awards: HM 2017
Asheville Sunrise (Selman, 2022)
height 31 inches (79 cm), bloom 5.5 inches (13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Golden yellow with bold red eye and matching picotee over yellow to green throat.. ((Lip Smack x Last Fool Standing) × (Last Fool Standing x Lip Smack))
height 50 inches (127 cm), bloom 5 inches (12 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 28 buds, 6 branches, Ruffled yellow with red eye and matching red picotee over yellow to green throat.. ((Dragon Pinata x Last Fool Standing) × Last Fool Standing)
Asheville Twilight Time (Selman, 2012)
height 38 in.(97 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(17 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 24 buds, 3 branches, Clear light plum with violet purple eye, white midribs, and plum purple and white double picotee over yellow to green throat. (Blue Corn Moon × Bella Sera)
Ashwood Bloom with a View (Norris-R., 2017)
height 39 inches (99 cm), bloom 5.25 inches (13 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 28 buds, 4 branches, Yellow with three-eighths inch, very green spots in the throat. (Last Midnight × Substantial Evidence)