$25.00 Double Fan or 2 fans



SEIFERT - do not use without permission


Instant Graffiti (Michaels, 2014)
height 35 in.(89 cm), bloom 7 in.(18 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 20 buds, 5 branches, Rose pink with darker eye outlined in pale pink over green throat. ((Chin Whiskers × Little Witching Hour) × Tomorrow's Song)

This rose purple with darker eye outlined in pale pink has lighter tepal edges and was moved to the selected bed in August, 2011 after 2 years of blooming in the seedling bed. Of primary importance to me is that it maintained its color pattern during the 2 hottest summers we've experienced, unlike most patterned cultivars I grow, though I'd still classify it as a cold dominant pattern. Nearly every bloom had comparable patterning in our cooler 2013. With stout scapes with 2 laterals and up to 30 buds, it has rebloomed every year since its first, producing 3 sets of scapes in 2013. A true game changer for me, every diploid seedling I selected in 2013 was patterned and the majority came from this seedling. Passes patterns, good scapes and rebloom to many of its kids. Influencing both etched eyes and dollop-of-color patterns, it is very pod fertile and has stupendously strong pollen, too. Leaves it mark in the garden and will definitely leave its mark on your seedlings. I regret that it's so fat, but I've selected some thrillingly skinny near-spiders as well as quite round from its pollen. I also regret that it's a tad slow to increase, instead preferring to make chunky fans that produce 2 scapes each, sometimes 3, in one season. Seedling CWLWHTOG-2 [(CHIN WHISKERS x LITTLE WITCHING HOUR) X TOMORROW'S SONG].

Contact Info

4750 Reed Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
petalpassion4u2 (at) msn (dot) com

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