We have no intros available for spring 2017 due to extremely dry weather last summer that prevented me from getting accurate stats.
There will be registrations in late summer available for this fall or spring shipping 2018.
ALL THAT SASS - Seifert 2015, dip, 26", 7", sev, MLre, 100% double. 2 branches, 12 buds. (Pink Peppermint X Sweeping Shadows)Orange throat radiating outward with frilled peach petals and pink tipped segments.When looking for a name, I thought this looked like ruffles with attitude! Fertility unknown because I don't think I have tried to use it. It is a reliable rebloomer here and always double.
SEIFERT 2014- TET, 35", 5.5", SEV, EMre. (LORD OF RICHES X BOHEMIA AFTER DARK) caramel chocolate with chocolate mauve edge, eye and sepals.
I have no idea where this daylily got its striking coloring, but it is most attractive. Named for my our daughter's chocolate shop located in Yorkville, IL.
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Callithumpian Festival (Seifert 2015) Tet, 33", 5.5", ML, Sev, 3 br/ 25 bc. Bright coral rose with red eye, pink midribs and small yellow green throat. (Love over Gold X Coral Majority)
Callithumpian Festival is named after a week long local festival that happens here in late October. "Callithumpian" means loud and noisy, which perfectly describes the color!
Very hardy northern plant with thick scapes. Like its pod parent, I have been unable to set pods but the pollen is good.
$20.00 Double Fan or 2 fans
Cherryanza - Seifert 2012, {(Red Sleeved Warrior X Red Loveliness) X (Charles Johnston X Sp. Surprise Purple)} Tet, sev, EMre, 36", 6", 3-4 br/35 bc
Cherry rose with yellow green throat
I wasn't going to register this daylily since it isn't frilly-fancy, but couldn't bear to discard such a wonderful plant. Several other growers and hybridizers encouraged me to register it and said this type of classic beauty is what they prefer. Since it's a Charles Johnston kid, it has sturdy scapes and great performance! It also passes its cherry rose color to its kids. Very fertile both ways.
Denim and Lace - Seifert 2012, (Truly Angelic X Victorian Lace) Tet, dor, ML, 32", 4.5", 3-4 br/30 bc
Dark rose with watermarked eye, yellow green throat and small teeth. I forgot to add that's it's a bitone.
A favorite from its first blooms, it always has had a great scape and performance. Tough and a hard dormant make it a great northern plant.
Dream of You - Seifert 2012, (Palace Garden Beauty X John Peat) Tet, sev, Mre, 26", 5.5", 3 br/20 bc.
Purple with lavender eyezone, chartreuse throat and thin white edge
GRACE AND TRUTH - SEIFERT - 2016 - Tet, 36", 6.5", ML, Sev., 3 branches and 25 bud count. (Swallowtail Kite X Voices Carry)
Lavender pink with lavender blue eye outlined in rose purple, chartreuse green throat.
A full sib to Wacky Wednesday, this is more what I would have expected from that cross. A very good & reliable performer that opens well, and has a beautiful blue eye. Hardy and grows well here. Fertile both ways.
SEIFERT 2016 - Tet, 36", 6.5", M, Dor, Double 100%. 2 branches aside from terminal "Y", 15 bud count. Garnet with light orange petal edges and backs, yellow throat. (Holiday Party X Crimson Cloud) Tough dormant plant, and always double, from Kropf genetics. Petals tend to look crested, not layered, but the AHS did not want it registered that way.
SEIFERT 2016, Tet, 40", 6.5", DOR, Ere, 4 branches and 25 buds. Rose with peach and yellow watermark, green throat and gold ruffled edges. (Wonder of It All X Red Friday)
Super performer and doesn't hang up. While first flowers are blooming, it's sending up more scapes demonstrating instant rebloom. Dormant and hardy, plus fertility both ways.
This is a bitone - I missed that in the description.
LAURA'S SWEETEST PINK - SEIFERT 2016 - TET, 32", 6", SEV, Mre (EMERALD BAY X ALAN LANE AGIN) Deeply saturated rose pink with green throat. Very fertile both ways, and will rebloom no matter how dry or wet the weather. My granddaughter who loves pink, chose this name for this hot rose pink beauty.
This is a bitone - I missed that in the description.
SEIFERT - 2016 Tet, 32", 6.5", M, Sev. 4 branches and 25 bud count. (Raptor x Water Dragon) Maroon purple with lavender purple eye and deep green throat, upturned petals form a trumpet shape.
The coloration is that of a watercolor painting. It was consistently hard to photograph because of its upturned petals. Grows like a weed and is distinctive. Fertile both ways.
SEIFERT 2016 - Dip,40", 7", Dor, EM, UF crispate. (Lavender Blue Baby X Heavenly Angel Ice) 5-6 branches and 35+ bud count. Peach pink with darker banded eye, green throat with yellow wash.
From 2 Stout medalist winning parents, Live Joyfully is named for my friend who received a bad diagnosis shortly before registration. She has been a fan of my daylilies and I thought this typifies the way this sweet Christian lady lives her life. Lots of squiggles in the bloom!
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Man of Steel - Seifert 2012 (Steely Blue Eyes X Voices Carry) Tet, sev, EM, 32", 7", 4 br/33bc
Pink with lavender eye and chartreuse throat.
This one stood out in a bed of crosses with its clear color. It performed beautifully in the most severe drought Indiana has had in my lifetime. Fertile both ways; we are looking forward to the breeding possibilities of these genetics.
Miss Piggy's Feather Boa (Seifert 2015) Dip, 30", 5", ML, 3 br/18 bc, Dor, 100% double. (Double Joanna X Peggy Jeffcoat) Pink with wide chartreuse throat and red banded eye.
From the first time this one bloomed, it looked like it had too many feathery petals. Since it's fat, pink and feathery, the name seemed fitting. Hardy Kropf genetics make it a sure bet for the northern garden.
Northwood Hoosier Daddy - Seifert 2012, (Clarification X Vertical Horizon) tet, sev, EMre, 31", 5.5", 4 br/35 bc
Cream with pansy purple eyezone and edge
Also another standout beauty in the seedling bed with its clear color, it also had excellent performance in extreme heat and drought. Fertile both ways. Vertical Horizon is a wonderful parent for patterns and colors. Combined with Clarification and great northern genes, NW Hoosier Daddy has the genetic potential for clear color, cold hardiness, rebloom, and patterns.
Northwood Nail Biter - Seifert 2011, Tet, dor, 30", 5.5", M, 4 br/30 bc, Pink and yellow blend with green throat and yellow toothy edge.
Not dependent on weather, NW Nail Biter always has teeth. It is also a good parent for teeth. It's a little reluctant to set pods but is very pollen fertile. Very cold hardy here.
SEIFERT 2016 - Tet, 34", 6", Mre, Sev. 4 branches and 28 bud count. (Northern Dawn X Red Friday) Rose pink with yellow throat and yellow gold teeth. Northwood Naughty or Nice is so named because when it's nice, it has ruffled edges. Most of the time it's naughty showing its teeth. A stellar performer with never fail rebloom. Fertile both ways.
PISTIL WHIPPED - Seifert 2015, Dip, sev, 31", 6.5", M, 3 branches, 20 buds. (Ida Mae Norris X Bold Awakening)Raspberry purple with lavender eye outlined in dark violet, wide light green throat. This one grabbed me from the first bloom. Being an Ida Mae Norris kid, it opens wide and flat. Grows well and is a good increaser. I have used the pollen heavily. Will set pods but not as easily.
SEIFERT 2016 - Tet, 36", 8", ML, Sev. Rose with green and yellow throat, light pink watermark on petals and sepals with yellow gold teeth on edges. (Ruffled Strawberry Parfait X Red Friday)
Tall and well branched with exceptional flowers that open well. Very fertile both ways, and lots of kids coming from this one.
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SEIFERT 2014 - TET, 31", 4.5", Mre, DOR, 3br/15 bc. (Forestlake Ragamuffin X Techny Peach Lace) coral pink with yellow throat and toothy edge.
This plant has been a stellar performer from the start, and fertile both ways. Does not need heat to produce the snaggletooth look.
Easy to use fertility.
Princess Peach (Seifert 2015), Dip, 35", 7.5", EMre, sev, 2 br/ 25 bc, 100% double. (Siloam Double Fringe X Ice Cream Dream) Pastel double with hints of peach and frilled edges, bud builder with a long bloom season.
Very cold hardy, and has bloomed as tall as 41" with an 8" bloom. Not a rebloomer in the traditional sense, but a bud builder that had up to 36 bud scars on its scape. It has a long bloom season and went from June until October in in 2014.
Named in honor of all those hours my son spent trying to "rescue the princess"
Professor Plum (Seifert 2015) Dip, 36", 7.5", EMre, Sev, 3 br/23 bc. Violet with dark purple banded chevron eye and triangular light green throat. (Cosmic Kaleidoscope X Rose F. Kennedy)
Instant rebloom with good scape density, often producing 2 scapes per fan.
Raggedy Man - Seifert 2012, (Mexican Sunrise X Ruffled Strawberry Parfait) Tet, dor, La, 29", 5", 3 br/18 bc
Orange with wide yellow throat and matching yellow toothy edge
This one has wowed me from its first bloom, and always faithfully late. Fertile both ways.
Rhonda's Red Hair - Seifert 2012, (Dream Keeper X Lily Munster) Dip, sev, EEre, 38", 8", UFO crispate-cascade, 3 br/25 bc
Dark rose with wide chartreuse throat
One of my own babies, that has always been impressive.
Vigorous and bouncing, it reminds me of an old friend's strawberry blonde hairdo. The style she wore always looked casually tousled. Rhonda's Red Hair started very early in the season and just kept going, and going...!
Silk and Purple (Seifert, 2014)
height 35 in.(89 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(17 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 3 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Purple with violet watermark, cream and purple sepals and chartreuse throat. (Raptor × Water Dragon)
Strength and Beauty - Seifert 2012, (Truly Angelic X Creative Edge) Tet, dor, M, 28", 5", 3 br/ 22 bc
Pink with rose pencil eye, yellow green throat and small teeth
Who would ever think this would come from that cross? I have used this extensively as a seedling, and it's a great parent for teeth! Fertile both ways.
Sugar Cream Pie (Seifert 2015) Tet, 38", 6.5", EM, Dor. 6 br/45 bc. (Celestial Army X Wonders Never Cease)
Soft yellow with pink highlights, green throat and brighter yellow frilled edge.
Actually I lied about the branching and bud count of this one: it has shown 8 branches and 63 buds before. At any rate it has a lot of blooms! It's a real pod hussy and has hot pollen. I have been breeding it for several years but have not seen its kids bloom yet. It's a tough dormant and great northern plant.
SEIFERT, 2016 - TET, 32", 7", M, Sev. Purple with white streaks and chartreuse throat. (Swallow Tail Kite X Voices Carry)
This seedling surprised me from the first time I saw it. Never would I have expected this from the parents it has. It's consistently streaked, except for an occasional bloom of palest lavender, and the streaking is not the same on any of the blooms. Always is open wide early in the AM. Pods are somewhat reluctant but it will set seed. Pollen is easy to use. It's a good grower here.
I didn't notice until after registration that WW has a distinctive watermark.
SEIFERT 2016 - Tet, 24", 5", MLre, Sev, 3 branches and 23 bud count. (Lord of Riches X Create Your Dream) Grape Purple with lavender blue watermark and green throat. This pretty thing is perfect to show off the front of your border. Tough plants open well, and are very fertile both ways. I am seeing some beautiful offspring from it too!
Named to remind our elected representatives who this country belongs to.
BACHMAN-SEIFERT 2014 -DIP, 26", 6", EMre, DOR, 4 BR/25 BC (Gail Braunstein X Stargate Corridor) grey purple with violet chevron eye and sepals and green throat
This little gem came from Dan Bachman as a sight unseen seedling I bought from him. It was impressive right from the start, with its beauty. I the summers I have observed it, it has continued to impress with its performance. Blooms always open well, fertilty and rebloom are constant. The name for this cultivar came about because Woman's Prerogative has an ever changing look, and I kept changing my mind about what to name it!
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