ABSOLUTELY STELLAR (Pierce G. – 2019) 6072-B (Waves of Joy x Bowtie Affair) x Pharaoh’s Arrows SEV EM re, 32” tall, 7-7.5” flower, 5 way branching, 30 buds, heavy prolifs , consistent pattern.
Fertile both ways.
ALIEN ARTIFACT (Selman) 2019
38" EM DOR 5.5" TET
Coral raspberry blend with raspberry rose eye and matching picotee edged with tiny gold teeth over patterned, yellow appliquéd throat with green heart. Three to four-way branching with 18 buds. Very hardy and fertile both ways.
ALIEN CONCEPT (Selman) 2014
42" M SEV 6" TET
Ruffled lavender mauve with partial blue-lavender and magenta picotee, darker veins and blue-lavender watermark eye outlined magenta. ALIEN CONCEPT has a distinctive, patterned yellow applique throat with green heart. It has tall scapes with three to four-way branching and 18 to 20 buds. Outstanding when grown in a clump. Very hardy and fertile both ways.
ALIEN DNA (Selman) 2009
40" M Re DOR 6" TET
A rich lavender raspberry bi-tone with yellow applique throat and green heart. The petals have darker veins and ruffled edges. ALIEN DNA has tall, sturdy scapes with three to four-way branching and 26 buds. Very hardy with dependable rebloom. ALIEN DNA is an excellent parent and fertile both ways.
30" M SEV 5" TET
Flesh pink reverse bitone with darker pink eye over pink-speckled, yellow to green applique throat. It has a partial pink and wire gold picotee. Very hardy and fertile both ways with four-way branching and 18 or more buds. A great parent for both interesting and "speckled" appliques. This one will be leaving its "fingerprint" on future generations of ALIEN seedlings and introductions.
ALIEN ON THE RUN (Selman) 2018
36" EM DOR 7" TET
Pearly purple, rose-lavender, mulberry blend with darker veining and lighter sawtooth picotee edge over yellow to green appliqued throat. ALIEN ON THE RUN has sturdy scapes with three to four-way branching and 15 to 18 buds. Very hardy, fertile both ways and outstanding in a clump.
ALIEN SONG (Selman) 2015
35" EM Fra SEV 6" TET
Lavender bitone with a gold sawtooth picotee edge and an extremely concave, pleated yellow to green applique throat. ALIEN SONG has sturdy scapes with four-way branching and 18 to 20 buds. Very hardy, fertile both ways and a real show-off when grown in a clump. For those who remember seeing this beauty at the 2014 AHS National Convention in Asheville before it was registered, the garden nickname was "Big Mouth".
ALL OUR TOMORROWS - Seifert 2022, tet, Mre, 32", 6.5", 4 br, 28 bc, Sev.
(All Things to All Men x City of Refuge) Description: Lavender violet with wide periwinkle eyezone, vivid green throat, double edge of deep violet and periwinkle, and small, light yellow hooked teeth. This one has it all: plant habit, height, branching, rebloom and a beautiful bloom.
Very fertile both ways and producing nice seedlings.
All Quacked Up (Selman, 2016)
height 36 inches (91 cm), bloom 5 inches (13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Golden yellow with large red eye and matching picotee over yellow to green throat. ((Foolish Dragon × Last Fool Standing) × (Fiesta Latina × Foolish Dragon))
All Things Made New (Emmerich, 2020)
height 33 inches (84 cm), bloom 5.5 inches (13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 4 branches, Grape cranberry with icy lavender eye, icy lavender plus ivory white edge, and yellow to green throat.. (All Things to All Men × Bluegrass Memories)
All Things to All Men (Emmerich, 2012)
Height 28in (71cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 33 buds, 5 branches, Dark pink lavender with etched gray lavender eye, gray lavender plus ivory plus yellow edge, yellow to green throat. (Repeat the Sounding Joy X (sdlg X Fountain of Life))
Alpha and Omega (Emmerich, 2012)
height 28in (71cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 4 branches, Dark pink lavender with a purple eye and lavender feathers, triple edge of grape, lavender and ivory, green throat. (Inscribed on My Heart × (Storm Shelter × Jane Trimmer))
Amuck Amuck Amuck! (Franklin-S.A., 2022)
height 33 inches (84 cm), bloom 8 inches (20 cm), season EM, Dormant, Diploid, 10 buds, 2 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Deep purple with large grape eye and large bright green throat.. (Morpho Butterfly × Rose F. Kennedy)
Angel Love (Trimmer, 2013)
height 27 in.(69 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 17 buds, 1 branches, Lavender blend with blue and violet patterned eye. (Dragonfly Dawn × Waves of Joy)
Angel Tracker (DeCaire, 2018)
height 31 in.(78 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(16 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Large purple patterned eye on ivory base, with small green throat.. (sdlg × Four Beasts in One)
ANGELIC VOICE - (Simpson-E. 2017)
(Texas Blue Eyes x In Stitches)
27″ M Sev 6″ Fra TET Re
The exquisite blooms of Angelic Voice are rose-lavender with a large, etched milky lavender eye and a ruffled triple edge of purple, milky lavender and gold over a yellow to green throat. The scapes have three-four way branching and 16-22 buds with reliable rebloom. A wonderful parent with many exciting kids under evaluation. Extremely fertile both ways.
Tet. 32” EM Dormant 6” 16 Buds 3-4 Branches Fragrant
The lovely rose-lavender blooms of ANGELS IN WISCONSIN have a glowing lavender-blue eye etched magenta and a double edge of magenta and lavender-blue over a gold to green throat.
This plant is tall, vigorous and fertile both ways.
Angels Sing Softly (Simpson-E., 2021)
height 26 inches (66 cm), bloom 5.5 inches (13 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 3 branches, White cream with glowing lilac blue eye etched purple and matching ruffled edge of purple and lilac blue over yellow to green throat.. (Angel on a Cloud × Angelic Voice)
ART GALLERY BLUES (Ludlow Lambertson 2012)
TET 6" Sev E Re 36"
(Seedling X Seedling)
ART GALLERY BLUES is a tall, stately bloom of royal purple on petals & sepals, a stunning radiating grey-blue eye & edge and green throat. 4-way branching, 30 buds. Easily fertile both ways.
Asheville Skyline (Selman, 2012)
height 28 in.(71 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(17 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Lavender pink with a violet, lavender blue and gold wire triple picotee edge, lighter sepals, and lavender blue watermark eye outlined with violet over a yellow to green throat. (Destined to See × Julie Newmar)
Asheville Sunlit Rainbow (Selman, 2014)
height 30 inches (76 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (17 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 22 buds, 4 branches, Cream yellow with charcoal, lavender blue and magenta watermark eye, matching picotee edge of magenta, lavender blue and cream yellow over yellow to green throat. (Destined to See × Julie Newmar)
Awards: HM 2017
Asheville Sunrise (Selman, 2022)
height 31 inches (79 cm), bloom 5.5 inches (13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Golden yellow with bold red eye and matching picotee over yellow to green throat.. ((Lip Smack x Last Fool Standing) × (Last Fool Standing x Lip Smack))
height 50 inches (127 cm), bloom 5 inches (12 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 28 buds, 6 branches, Ruffled yellow with red eye and matching red picotee over yellow to green throat.. ((Dragon Pinata x Last Fool Standing) × Last Fool Standing)
Asian Appliqué (Lambertson, 2010)
height 36 in.(91 cm), bloom 5.5 in.(14 cm), season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 4 branches, Cream amber with a medium purple eye, partial picotee edging, above a green throat. (Spacecoast Seashells ×(sdlg × sdlg))
(Ansari 2016) D1243B (Rings of Wonder x Intimate Moment; same pod as One Night Pollination)Tet, ERe, Sev, 26" scape, 5.5" pale yellow flowers with chevrons and rings of plum and blue-lavender, around a yellow to green throat. BC20, 3-way branching. Fertile both ways.
Tet. 26” 5” SEV EM 16-22 buds 3-4 way branching Reblooms Fra
The mesmerizing blooms of AZURE DREAMING are lavender with a violet-blue eye etched mulberry and recurved ruffled mulberry and violet-blue edge over a green throat. The eye color can change from saturated cobalt-violet to frosted blue-violet and other hues in between. I’ve even seen this one with some pattern from time to time. Vigorous and very fertile both ways. The offspring of this beauty are outstanding.
((tetra Crystal Blue Persuasion x ((( Joe Marinello x Custard Candy) x tetra Wings of Chance)) x tetra In The Navy)) x (Blue Beetle)
TET 32" Midseason Dormant emo , fragrant 5" 3-4 way branching 16-18 buds. Rebloomer Fertile both ways. Double Percent 98%.
The flowers of Baby's Got Blue Eyes are creme white with a patterned blue, purple, and maroon eyezone and a very green throat. This is a wonderful garden plant, 32 inches tall and very showy. Has a really cool pedigee with tetra in The Navy in it twice and tetra Crystal Blue Persuasion in it three times. tetra Virginia Henson is also in it twice. As well tetra Wings of Chance, tetra Elsie Spalding and tetra Spell Fire to name a few. First Blue eyed dormant double I know of. Very rare!
Pollen and pod parents pedigree from AHS database.
Believing in Design (Nall-S., 2011)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, 15 buds, 4 branches, Light golden peach with gray to lavender bands in patterned eye rimmed and veined in wine, wine wire edge on petals, pattern extremely faint on sepals, throat alternates green and yellow. (Nall sdlg × Carpenter sdlg)
Beyond Visions (Pierce-G., 2021)
height 30 inches (76 cm), bloom 7 inches (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 6 branches, Pink with large purple blue eye with shades of charcoal, etched in raspberry, green throat extending onto sepals, triple edge of raspberry, deep purple, blue mauve with small razor teeth edge.. ((Spinefeld x Blue Vibrations) × Blue Beat)
Birthday Wishes (Selman, 2016)
height 36 in.(91 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 4 branches, Coral pink bicolor with darker veins, coral pink midribs, wire gold picotee, yellow sepals blushed with rose and huge triangular red eye over yellow to green throat. (( Linda Touchstone × Key to My Heart) × (Beaucatcher Mountain × Linda Touchstone))
Height 30in (76cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 6 branches, Buttery pumpkin with yellow green teeth above green throat.(Bass Gibson X Fringy)
Blessings out of the Blue (Ansari, 2020)
height 30 inches (76 cm), bloom 5 inches (12 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 2 branches, Deep magenta with slightly lighter sepals, an intense deep blue lavender eye, outlined dark magenta, highlighted raised midribs, green to yellow throat, and a ruffled thin edge of magenta and white, pod and pollen fertile. (Mrs. John Cooper × Blue Beat)
Blue Collar (Seifert, 2019)
height 28 in.(71 cm), bloom 5 in.(12 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Violet purple bitone with lavender blue watermark and vivid chartreuse throat, slight picotee edge of blue and cream.. (Bewitching Eyes × Linda Sierra)
Blue Eyed Duckling (Simpson-E., 2024)
height 28 inches (71 cm), bloom 5 inches (12 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Butter yellow with blue violet eye etched magenta, matching patterned sepals and ruffled picotee of magenta and blue violet over gold to green throat. (Chasing Dragonflies × Blue Lightning)
Blue Eyed Susan (Holley-B., 2012)
height 39 inches (99 cm), bloom 7 inches (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 5 branches, Royal purple with blue lavender eye, blue lavender edge outlined with white picotee, bright green throat. (Cimarron Rose × Bluegrass Memories)
This shockingly distinctive beauty is cream with a glowing, saturated cobalt-purple eye etched merlot with a double edge of merlot and purple over a green throat. The first time it bloomed as a seedling, it looked like it was plugged into an electrical outlet. Turns out, that wasn’t a fluke! This highly sought- after plant is very limited. BLUE LIGHTNING has given me some outstanding kids with glowing color. Vigorous and fertile both ways.
(Selman 2019)
42" M Re DOR 6.5” TET
Purple with large, chalky lavender-blue watermark and ruffled white picotee over yellow to green throat. Tall scapes with four-way branching and 20 buds. Very hardy and fertile both ways. Very popular with garden visitors and will not be overlooked in the garden! Several clumps of this were taken to the set for filming of the new Clint Eastwood movie 'The Mule'.
Blue on Blue (Pierce-G., 2015)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 7.75 in.(20 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 4 branches, Purple with six inch bluish lavender watermark above a large green throat. (Bluegrass Memories × Tet. Rose F. Kennedy)
36" M DOR 5" TET
Golden yellow with orange overlay, washed rosy orange eye outlined rose and matching rose picotee over yellow to green throat. Beautiful as a single bloom, but on those lucky days when this one decides to double, it's a real head-turner! Doubles 33% of the time in our garden. Sibling to 'Eye Double Dare You' and 'Kathrine Tims'. Three-way branching with 15 buds. Fertile both ways and a great parent for dormant doubles with eyes.
Blue Riviera (Petit-Goff, 2014)
height 30 in.(76 cm), bloom 6.5 in.(17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Orchid with a chartreuse throat and green heart, eye is blue violet with a hairline indigo mascara band that continues as a picotee around the edge of the wide petals and down the midrib, striking yellow green serrated second edge outlines the petals. (Laws of Illusion × (Cobalt Rings × Velvet Rainbow))
Blue Stardust (Simpson-E., 2012)
height 25 in.(64 cm), bloom 5 in.(13 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 5 branches, Pale lavender rose with a saturated etched violet eye, bright green throat, small double edge of violet and pale silver blue with diamond dusting. (Karelia × Tet. Lavender Blue Baby)
Blue Tattoo (Selman, 2014)
height 50 in.(127 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Rose lavender bitone with etched blue lavender watermark eye outlined magenta and triple picotee edge of magenta, blue lavender and white over yellow to green throat. ((sdlg × sdlg) × Wishful Dreaming)
Blue Throated Hummingbird (Gossard, 2015)
height 48 inches (122 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, 30 buds, 6 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Maroon pink with patterned blue eyezone and a very green throat. (Blue Viper × We Can Dance)
Blue Viper (Gossard, 2011)
height 33 in.(84 cm), bloom 5 in.(13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 6 branches, Mauve red with a very green throat, eyezone color on sepals and petals are different shades of blue, various bands of colors are present within the eyezones. ((Blue Oasis × Kaleidoscope Effect) × Black-eyed Jester)
height 27in (69cm), bloom 4.75in (12.0cm), season EM, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Matte red with blue violet eye above green throat. (Rhapsody In Time X sdlg)
Blueberry Pancake (Simpson-E., 2019)
height 29 inches (74 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (16 cm), season EM, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, 14 buds, 3 branches, Rose purple with purple eye over large pale yellow to green throat.. ((Cosmic Kaleidoscope x Rainbow Over Marietta) × sdlg)
Bonibrae Smoke and Mirrors (Matthie, 2012)
height 26 inches (66 cm), bloom 4.75 inches (12 cm), season M, Dormant, Diploid, 24 buds, 3 branches, Complex eyezone on a creamy green-white flower with a very unique deep green throat eyezone goes from green to silver to gray to raspberry, pattern is duplicated on the sepals, lightly ruffled, very heavy substance. (Blue Oasis × Substantial Evidence)
Border Skirmish (Lewis-P., 2018)
height 27 inches (69 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (16 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 17 buds, 3 branches, Cream with a violet patterned eyezone with concentric circles blending into a yellow-green throat, precise thin violet edge. (Waves of Joy × Four Beasts in One)
Born to Be Wild (Pierce-G., 2011)
height 32 inches (81 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 6 branches, Cream white base with purple eye, double edge of purple and chartreuse above green throat. (((Calling All Angels × Sue Brown) × Mountain Wildfire [sib to Raspberry Mountain]) × Fringy)
Awards: HM 2018
Brave Kemo Sabe (Salter, 2010)
height 30 in.(76 cm), bloom 5.75 in.(15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Bright, bold , light cream to pale white, large purple eye covering most of the petals, surrounding a tiny lime green heart, very round and full with a ruffled edge that carries the same band of purple as the eye. (((Kansas City Kicker × Noonday Dreams) × Shipwreck Cove) × Footloose )
Breathing in Snowflakes (Douglas-H., 2016)
height 29 inches (74 cm), bloom 6.5 inches (17 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, 22 buds, 4 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Light lavender with large pale yellow throat surrounded by slightly darker lavender band and almost white halo. ((Tropical Pink Ice × Tropicana Treat) × Tie-dye Illusion)
Awards: AM 2022; HM 2019; L/W 2023; PC 2018; NRS 2018
Bridge of Destiny (Salter-E.H., 2017)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 3.75 in.(10 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Smoky lavender bicolor with large violet blue circular eye and paler cream sepals with a touch of pink and lavender, small violet gray edge around petals. (unknown × unknown)
Broadway Last Mohican (Stamile-G.-Pierce, 2011)
height 29 in.(74 cm), bloom 3.5 in.(9 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 6 branches, Rose red with jet black velvet eye and green throat. (unknown × unknown)
Bromance Bremer 2015 height 30 inches (76 cm), bloom 7 inches (18 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, 26 buds, 4 branches, Large golden yellow with large triangular maroon eyezone on petals and sepals. (Heavenly Flight × (Bang Bang × Scratch My Itch))
One of the plants that stops visitors in their tracks due to size, color and display. Excellent blue-green foliage all summer long. Fertile both ways. One of the most striking plants in the garden!
Buddy's Betsy (Hall-J., 2013)
height 30 in.(76 cm), bloom 5.75 in.(15 cm), season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 22 buds, 4 branches, Orange with darker eye and edge yellow green throat. (Orange Electric × Matthew Kaskel)